[dress: c/o urban1972 / stole: vintage / ring: c/o Jo / watch: modcloth /
socks: american apparel / shoes: oaknyc]
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending an amazing gallery opening for one of my FAVORITE photographers Alison Conklin. You name it she shoots it! But what really drew me to her was the moments she captures in weddings and portraits. I have been following her blog for as long as I remember and was thrilled to be be invited to this gallery show. The show was called Matters of the Heart and showcased about 50 photos all about love. There was also a raffle that would donate money to The American Heart Association so it was a night for a great cause. We sipped on drinks, mingled and of course indulged in some cupcakes!
Everyone donned a pin from The American Heart Association to support the cause.
Me and Alison giggling at the end of the night. Check out her site of amazing work. She is both as great and talented photographer as she is a kind, and completely heart warming! It was such a pleasure to meet you Alison!!
Andrea K (blonde bedhead) - You look so amazing! These photos are beautiful as is this outfit and you! I love how you paired the dress with that stole and thigh highs!
nancie - i’ve never gone to a gallery before but this is an awesome outfit for that! love the sheer top!x
Steffy - lovely outfit, i love the fur scarf and the red knee-highs, they dress it up so well! looks like a great time 🙂
<3 steffy
Anna Jane - such a flowy, gorgeous dress! ah, i just love it.
Girl and Closet (Veronika) - Gorgeous look! Love that you added those beautiful knee socks, it gives the outfit such a lovely twist. xx veronika
Absolutely Mrs. K - what an interesting look. the shape of that dress is just perfect, and it has the perfect length. the fabric seems so delicate and adorable. i love the combination with the red tights it makes it so much more interesting, the color really turns up the volume. the boa is the absolute finishing touch.
Erin and Caroline - That sheer dress is gorgeous. And thank you for introducing her wedding blog to me! I absolutely adore wedding photography! (And hers are so beautiful!)
-Erin (http://keepcalmandstyleon.blogspot.com)
BrooklynBlonde - That dress is stunning!!! Love the details of it.
Ashley - What a fun & inspiring outfit. I love the knee socks over the tights, you make it look so classy 🙂
Plami - You look so lovely! 🙂 Love this dress!!!
Meesh - Beautiful photography in this post. Also, those socks really punch up the outfit.
Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries - I always love to disciver new photographers, thanks for the recommendation! Checkin out her site right away! 😀
Pretty Shiny Sparkly - Look at you all precious!! I giggled at the pin picture because for about 30 seconds i thought it was a whale. Then I realized it was a dress. I think.
OnTheRacks - Eep!! I am OBSESSED with that dress — the back is so pretty. You look darling my love <3
xx L
Morgan_Lua - So jealous. I love her photography. You better have booked a date to work with her! I want to see those pics happen!!
The Bohemienne - What a pretty dress! The gallery opening looks like a lovely event.
Asia Daly - Love the outfit!!!
Jen - Kimberly, you look so elegant with the hair, sheer dress and fur scarf and then the maroon coloured knee socks add such a spunky pop of colour. I <3 it! I'm loving your blog and am so happy that the Coach Blogger contest introduced me to it. Looking forward to seeing more from you!
eat.sleep.wear. - YAY!! So amazing to be connected with you as well. LOVE your blog also :)))) xoxoxo Kim
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