Tag Archives: fashion

It’s been a whirlwind holidays with our little Oats. Lots of get togethers and quality time with our loved ones. With a busy schedule of breastfeeding, running to appointments with Otis, and working it can be hard to motivate to…

Reasons why I love living in Orange County can be summed up in this photo. Palm trees for days, sunshine, and no jackets required. Well, I am exaggerating a TOUCH. But I honestly love that I don’t always need a jacket during Winter…

It is FINALLY starting to get chilly here in Southern California. One of my favorite things about living here is the weather. It still blows my mind that it just really does not get cold. So any time the temps dip slightly, we all go…

While some of you are bundling up in sweaters and jackets, it’s been over 80 degrees here in Southern California. Yes I realize these photos are from 2 months ago but it’s still been raging Summer time over here. I swear I only…

These were from the last set of photos I took 3 days before I had Otis! I remember knowing this would be my last precious moments to capture the bump. This second photo just gives me… all the feelings. While pregnancy was both…