Tag Archives: gabriela artigas

We are having another heat wave here in Orange County and I hope to plant my toes in the sand as much as possible before baby arrives. Fridays this Summer have been amazing as I take my prenatal yoga class most Friday afternoons….

Date nights with Blake are my favorite. Love any excuse to get dolled up. Although, let’s be honest, it’s good to have an excuse to get showered and out of gym clothes these days. I wore this dress in Maui and it was so light…

I love a good jogging pant because it’s easily dressed up with a pair of strappy sandals. Nothing like chic comfort. You know I love these easy breezy looks and a swipe of lipstick finished it off. Hope everyone is gearing up for a…

Feeling that winter chill in California and taking full advantage of layering my cashmere pieces. What I love about cashmere is you stay warm without sweating your butt off. I am also very sensitive to certain types of wool so when I find…