Tag Archives: Jenni Kayne

Dressing up with Otis just brightens my day instantly. Sometimes it’s just an accessory, sometimes it’s a whole outfit. Yesterday was cashmere hoodies and cozy uggs for a stroll to the playground after…

I still have so many Summery dresses to wear and love mixing them with knits to make them more fall appropriate. I don’t alway wear bright colors but I love that the sweater and hat give the look a…

Who else is getting pumped for full on Summer weather? It’s still been bouncing back and forth between super warms days and then dropping to sweater weather here in Orange County. I don’t mind for these cooler beach evenings…

Excited to finally share Otis’ nursery with you all today! I teamed up with my dear friend and talented interior design guru Anne Sage to really bring the room to life. I didn’t want a typical theme that a lot of people do. I…

Excited to share a sneak peek into Otis’ nursery today. I worked together with Anne to create a perfect neutral space for baby boy. After working with Anne on my master bedroom, living room and dining room, I knew we had to keep the…