Tag Archives: mommy and me

Is there anything sweeter than a toddler chasing around balloons and throwing roses around a room?? Never think twice about capturing memories with your family members. I was on…

Dressing up with Otis just brightens my day instantly. Sometimes it’s just an accessory, sometimes it’s a whole outfit. Yesterday was cashmere hoodies and cozy uggs for a stroll to the playground after…

This past weekend we explored a new park close by. We try to take Otis often to the playground or places he can walk around so he can explore and get out his energy by running around. It’s finally gotten chilly…

I try to match outfits with Otis whenever I can. A lot of times there aren’t any real options for Mother and Son. I always see tons for Mother and Daughter and it makes me so sad that there are not more options. But! That…