Tag Archives: photo love

Round up of some of my favorite instagram shots of the moment. Follow user name @eatsleepwear on instagram or on the web here! 1. flats + crossbody / 2. ripped skinnies, gold cuff, rose gold clutch / 3. vitamin a swim + shades 4. zara…

[All dresses, accessories, + shoes are part of the BHLDN collection] I was lucky enough to get a special invite to come check out a beautiful fashion show of bridal pieces from the BHLDN line. Now, I am not married but this brand…

[shades: elizabeth and james / lette macaroons / family china + vintage family spoons] I am sure most of you have heard the news that Google Reader is sadly shutting down soon and this means a scramble to find a blog reader. I have been…

Round up of some of my favorite instagram shots of the moment. Follow user name @eatsleepwear on instagram or on the web here! 1. summer essentials: bag, shades, swim / 2. parker dress / 3. h&m patterned suit love / 4. daily beauty…