Category Archives: Baby

Today I am sharing our sleep journey with Otis. Let me start by saying that so many of you requested this post and as always, I am sharing our journey with Otis, how his sleep evolved and what worked for us. Each of our little babies are…

Excited to finally share Otis’ nursery with you all today! I teamed up with my dear friend and talented interior design guru Anne Sage to really bring the room to life. I didn’t want a typical theme that a lot of people do. I…

Excited to share a sneak peek into Otis’ nursery today. I worked together with Anne to create a perfect neutral space for baby boy. After working with Anne on my master bedroom, living room and dining room, I knew we had to keep the…

I wanted to share my experience with feeding our little Otis with you all today. I constantly get so many questions about our schedules etc and wanted to give a bigger update. Please know that everything I share has either worked or not…

It’s currently December 27th and I had all intentions of getting this post up on Christmas day but… instead I ignored my computer and promised to get it up after Christmas. So here we are! Last time this year, I was newly…