A lot of things have changed at our house since being pregnant, having a baby, and now having a little one crawling around our house. I feel like I spent so much time worrying about what skincare was safe to use while pregnant, what your…

Let’s be honest, dressing a baby is one of the most fun things on the PLANET. Walking over to Otis’ closet and picking out his outfits just gives me so much joy I could cry. Shoes are beginning to be a fun accessory and I was…

  • May 8, 2019 - 5:22 am

    Hanh - Oh my gosh Otis is such a cutie! I agree dressing little one is so much fun. My toddler isn’t walking just yet but I can’t wait to get him some proper shoes soon 🙂ReplyCancel

  • May 12, 2019 - 4:31 am

    Mette - Thank you very cute shoes and he’s adorable!
    You have to check out Swedish made brand Kavat so many options and amazing quality !✨✨

While I love neutrals… I LOVE to wear yellow. I don’t go bold often but when I do I go big. This dress had been sitting in my closet since just before Otis was born and I was just counting down the days that I would fit into it…

It National Infertility Awareness week and my heart feels so many emotions during this very important time of year. This is the first time that I get to look at my sweet baby boy during this week and reflect on the journey getting to him….