Excited to chat with you and share more pregnancy updates. I am currently 37.5 weeks as I am writing this but wanted to get this post up before baby came! Hope you enjoy these updates and if there is anything else you are dying to know,…

  • August 13, 2018 - 2:13 am

    Rena - The picturesa are so super cute!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  • August 13, 2018 - 8:52 am

    Rabia - You are so cute! And it is amazing how you describe everything! I love reading! Also, it is so informative for future moms!ReplyCancel

  • August 13, 2018 - 9:28 am

    Ashley - This entire post makes me feel like you’re inside my head, reading my thoughts… I love how genuine and real you have been throughout your entire pregnancy! I am 33 weeks pregnant, and I sympathize with you on so many levels. For me, the acid reflux came out of nowhere and it is pure torture. I can eat dinner at 5pm and still feel sick at midnight/2am… Gross! Thank goodness for Zantac. I love how despite all these crazy symptoms, you feel as ready as you can. Wishing you an easy, peaceful and uneventful few more weeks before baby!ReplyCancel

    • August 13, 2018 - 12:32 pm

      eat.sleep.wear. - The acid reflux is PURE HELL. No one should have to deal with that… it’s so so awful!!!!!

      Thank you so much for all your kind thoughts Ashley and BEST OF LUCK with your own pregnancy. xoxo KimReplyCancel

  • August 13, 2018 - 1:28 pm

    Rebecca - The acid reflux is AWFUL!!! I had it with both my pregnancies. I just had my second baby in July and I actually had to ask for tums WHILE I WAS PUSHING!!!! They made me lay down to push and I was like are you kidding me?! It took a couple weeks after delivery for it to go away this time but it will. Also, I had an epidural with both deliveries and I can honestly say I had really good experiences both times! I also hated hearing people’s horror stories so I always try to tell people, it might not be that bad!!! I had to be induced both times and delivered 2 babies that were over 9.5 lbs each and it was fine! Not a day at the spa, but fine! I think the best thing to do is trust your nurse and doctor and you will do great! Also you are right about the swelling after delivery, especially if you get an epidural. I had swelling in my feet for about 10 days after delivery just with all the extra fluid leaving your body. Anyway, good luck!!! You’ll do great!!!!ReplyCancel

  • August 13, 2018 - 5:56 pm

    Emme - Can’t wait- have been following your journey for quite a while- I’m invested! I check in everyday for the “big” news- in my prayers- the experience will be amazing & wonderful. Just don’t be afraid- God bless you & your angel.ReplyCancel

This dress is the perfect optical illusion for pregnancy. One sec I look pregnant, the next boom, not pregnant. What I love about it is that it’s still fitted in the bust and slightly flows out so it doesn’t feel like a tent on…

I am not going to lie, wearing denim while pregnant is an EXTREME challenge. At a certain point, the whole rubber band around through your button trick just doesn’t cut it. Early on, I decided to invest in some maternity denim so…

I always get a TON of questions about my beauty and skincare routine since becoming pregnant and finally have a big roundup for you on the products I have been using and loving. This is my dream team. I have tried many more products but…

We are having another heat wave here in Orange County and I hope to plant my toes in the sand as much as possible before baby arrives. Fridays this Summer have been amazing as I take my prenatal yoga class most Friday afternoons….