Our recent trip to Maui was our first really big trip as a family. Getting packed, on a plane, and to a destination. I knew traveling with a baby was going to look much different than our trips as…
My spray tan has since faded and we are finally back home from our trip to Maui. I have so many epic photos to share and lots of thoughts on traveling with a baby! I will sit down and write out my thoughts on that this…
Blake and I loved to take weekend road trips before Otis was born and it’s something we continue now that we have a family. Every year for the past 2 years we have headed up to Big Bear Lake with friends and our dogs to enjoy a cozy…
This anniversary was so special to us. We got married on Maui 3 years ago (you can read all about it here!) and decided to try our best to come back every year to celebrate. We celebrated our 1 year anniversary on the island and waited…